Cathedral Assets Optimizer at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus
Q: CAO ran instantly, my files have not changed!
A: This is normal. CAO only changes files that need it. If the file does not need optimization, it will not be processed.
Q: CAO did not pack some files, even though I enabled BSA packing
A: This is a feature, not a bug. CAO has both a whitelist and a blacklist for BSA.
The whitelist is available here?.
The blacklist is located in your current profile folder, under the name FilesToNotPack.txt. If it does not exist, it will use the default one (from Skyrim SE).
By default, CAO ignores animation files and Bodyslide files. This is because FNIS / Nemesis cannot read BSAs
Q: Can I increase BSA size?
Yes. Enable advanced settings and change the values in the BSA tab.
Q: Why are headparts always optimized?
A: CAO is not able to check if a headpart has already been optimized, so it always re-processes it